Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drop Everything and READ

A colleague of mine once stated that reading for pleasure has been replaced by test preparation, and she’s lucky to squeeze in 8-10 minutes a day for independent reading. This is a pathetic example of over test prepping to the maximum. I don’t blame the teacher in the least. I do blame the system that puts state and federal testing in front of the real learning that can happen with well-organized independent reading. I tend to get in a tizzy when I hear crazy things like this. How in the world do the people in charge think this can be best practice? I know the same scenario plays out in districts across the country.

If you want children to become better readers you must:
  1. Provide students time to read
  2. Give them a variety of reading materials from which to choose
  3. Don’t overlook the magic of comic books, manga, and graphic novels. Such material can be gateways into stronger literature
  4. Model reading. Have Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) time every day… this includes the teacher
  5. Most importantly, inspire a love of reading. Teachers can do this by blessing the book.

Blessing the Book I can’t help it; every time I read the phrase (BLESS THE BOOKS) I have flashbacks to Catholic school. Bless the Books conjures images of the Pope decked out in his fine silk vestments, his miter planted firmly on his head. papal Pastoral Staff in one hand, and a copy of Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman in the other. The Pope speaks, and all that have ears to hear shall listen. “I give my blessing to Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman. It’s a fun read and I especially like the "Flip-O-Rama", Okay, it probably wouldn’t happen, but if a teacher makes a big deal out of a book, or a series of books, a kid will run to be first in line to get a copy.

Teachers-at least in the elementary grades-really do have a great amount of influential authority; their students do not overlook what they say and do. It’s a simple process that works quite well. A problem occurs when you talk up a book, and there aren’t many copies available. Make sure there are plenty of titles; either in your room or in the media center.

Even though Blessing the Books, gives me psychotropic vacations, I still think it is one of the best ways to promote interest in reading a book. It reminds me of a quote from Canadian writer Laurence J. Peter. “Television has changed the American child from an irresistible force to an immovable object” (Peter, 2000). We have big competition for the hearts and minds of students. We need to sell the book, sell reading, sell literacy; we need to make it relevant. Let’s face it; we’re in competition with many diversions, which includes Nintendo Wii , Smart Phones, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube. It's easy to see why kids will choose an electronic outlet instead of reading. We have lots of work to do.


Peter, L. (2000). Retrieved December 22, 2008 from http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/l/laurence_j_peter_2.html

Sunday, December 6, 2009

At any age, constructive learning should lead to wisdom. Confucius, wrote "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest" (n.d.). If one uses reflection with open eyes, an open mind, and an open heart, what she sees will be clear as crystal. However, if one reflects with blind spots, what he sees will be murky and unusable. I suggest that Confucius was only partially correct. Reflection without action is not noble. True nobility comes when one acts upon what one has learned during reflection and then uses this new understanding as an agent for growth.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Teachable Moments

You have to grab teachable moments and run with them because they can make learning real. My philosophy is If it's worth detouring from the lesson, it's probably something worth learning.

Here's one of my favorite teachable moments. I was teaching beginning English to immigrant folks, and one day I went into Subway to get a sandwich, unfortunately the lady behind the counter had the worst enunciation I had ever heard. It was painful to hear and I was constantly saying "'what". Finally, I said yes to everything and got some sort of sandwich. Nothing I really wanted, but at least our conversation was over and she wouldn't have to hear me say "what" every five seconds.

Anyway, that night in English Class, I told this story, and said that from now on, we were going to work on proper enunciation so impatient Americans wouldn't be saying "what" every five seconds.

We started doing "Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously... blah, blah, blah", and several other tongue twisters that I knew would help them with their diction. Not on the lesson plan... but vital to their English language success.


About werewolves: I'm not suggesting that all principals have evil Canis Lupus tendencies. However, I do suggest that all administrators take a deep look into his or her own soul and ask him or herself "Am I a werewolf? Do my claws come out, and do I howl at the moon when benchmark testing and the high-stakes assessment time comes around? Do I look at people and think of how nice it would be to smack them into next week?" All of this is figurative, of course. None the less, teachers, administrators, or the prez, should take time to ask him or herself... "Is the way I am conducting myself honorable and with the best interests of all involved?" If there is doubt or guilt, fix the problem.


Too often, new teachers are left withering on the vine without the proper support to help them survive that tough first year. The attrition rate of new teachers is astounding. New teachers should have a friendly, wise, helpful, and understanding veteran educator as a mentor. Someone who can lend an ear, give professional advice, and provide support when the kids and the job get tough. Four years of college, a few practicums, and a semester of internship is usually not enough to get a person ready for his or her own class.

On the job is where the real learning happens, In other words... in the fire, without the benefit of a safety net. That's a crazy way to treat a new teacher. Too often do the new teachers get the crummy converted trailer as their classroom, and they're stuck out there all year long trying to get by... alone. Administrators need to ask themselves, "Is it easier to replace lost faculty each spring, or is it in my best interest to nurture the newcomers, and help them succeed in the profession.” That seems like a no-brainer to me.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Teachable Moments

I LOVE it when creative tangents, or teachable moments occur. Chances are they're related to the theme that's being explored, but even if they aren't, more times than not, there's a good reason the discussion went in that direction, and I like to see how it plays out.

Unbelievably, principals have written me up for this very thing. "It was too far removed from the essential question." What a load. I think teachable moments are the best, and so much good can come from them. I'm a firm believer that not everything learned in a school must be measured by a standardized assessment.

Friday, November 27, 2009

People Who Write Textbooks

People who write textbooks tend to be academics that are far removed from the day-to-day happenings of the classroom. Many, who were classroom teachers, did so prior to NCLB. NCLB changed the rules and nothing is the same any longer. In my opinion, if someone is writing about how things should or should not be in the classroom, and they haven't been an active k-12 teacher since NCLB, they’re fossils and should be analyzed by carbon-14 dating.

Professional Learning Communities; PLC's

Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s)

There are so many reasons why teachers resist PLC's. Personally, I have been on some wonderful PLC's and some... not so good.

Here's the problem from my individual standpoint as a rank and file educator. In other words, I’m being totally biased.

I have witnessed many benefits from working in a PLC, probably more benefits than not, but I also understand why people are reluctant. Speaking for myself (and including some of the attitudes and opinion of my former colleagues) I have come up with some alternative reasons why people resist PLC’s.

Administrators say that PLC’s are needed to increase student learning, but in reality, many teachers believe the main purpose is to increase student test scores. Test scores and learning are not the same.

People do not always trust their colleagues

People don’t always trust their administration

Repeat… people don’t always trust their administration

People hate being forced to do anything… especially if the reason seems like a waste of time or smells nefarious.

PLC’s do indeed take away from vital school duties

Professional Learning Communities:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Authentic Assessment

Only multiple measures of achievement
can provide an accurate picture of student
learning and school success (Guilfoyle, 2006)

Looking back over my own educational career, I cannot recall a single score I earned on an achievement test. My ACT and teacher certification scores are long since forgotten. However, I do recall making a letter opener in 7th grade. It had a walnut handle with a stainless steel blade. It was horrible. I couldn’t get the rivets in the handle to tighten the blade securely to the wood. This flimsy letter opener only lasted a couple of weeks before breaking in two. I officially knew that I wouldn’t make much of a carpenter.

When I was 16, I took two tests to get my driver’s license. The first one was a written test to prove I knew the rules of the road. The second part was a driving portion where I was responsible for demonstrating my driving skills. I couldn’t parallel park, so I didn’t pass the exam. I don’t recall the questions on the written test, but I’ve never forgotten failing the driving portion.

I wanted that license in a big way so I practiced parallel parking like crazy in front of my parent’s house and passed the driving demonstration with flying colors. This is a good example of authentic assessment.

Authentic assessment measures what one can do well, and what one does… not so well. And, that’s OK.

What is Authentic Assessment?

Authentic assessment is “A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills,” (Mueller, 2008).

Having been an educator since 1992, I have worked with students with incredible artistic ability. One student in particular could draw with amazing accuracy and detail. His graphic art talent on the computer was enviable too. Although this student was recognizably a gifted artist, his reading ability was limited to relatively easy texts. In general, his academic skills were many grades behind his same age peers. Using standardized measurement assessments, his annual yearly progress would be nil.

By giving credence only standardized assessment, a great disservice would be done to this student and many other talented folks who excel differently from the established norm. Within the context of authentic assessment and portfolios, such students are encouraged to reach their highest reasonable and obtainable potential.

OK, what can we use instead of high-stakes end of the year assessments. Well, how about student portfolios?

What are Student Portfolios?

Portfolios are collections of selected student work representing an array of performance (Education Research Consumer Guide, 1993)

My letter opener could have been an artifact for a portfolio. Sometimes it’s appropriate to have evidence of what one can’t do so well. Other portfolios artifacts might be writings, reports, drawings, maps, songs, video of accomplishments, photographs, documented digital projects, and and many other materials that prove what the student was able to learn and generalize into other academic contexts.

Measuring and reporting student progress via authentic assessment and portfolios encourages the student to become a self-directed learner. In doing so, it allows students to learn from experience, approach problems with flexibility, view situations in multiple ways, change as needed, and to recognize and appreciate the ebb and flow of personal growth.

Education Research Consumer Guide,(1993.Student portfolios: Administrative uses. Retrieved July 22, 2009 from http://www.ed.gov/pubs/OR/ConsumerGuides/admuses.html

Guilfoyle, C. (2006). NCLB: Is there life beyond testing? Educational leadership. Retrieved July 22, 2009 from http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational_leadership/nov06/vol64/num03/NCLB@_Is_There_Life_Beyond_Testing%C2%A2.aspx

Muller, J. (2008). What is authentic assessment? Authentic Assessment Toolbox. Retrieved July 22, 2009 from http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/whatisit.htm#definitions